OK so it's been a ridiculous length of time since I last posted.....I feel bad, I feel I should be putting more posts together but there are just not enough hours in the day.
Since I last left you ....
- I whizzed by 500 sales in my Etsy shop
- Have taken on 5 wholesale shop orders (including one in NYC and Malaysia)
- Was chosen from many (I presume) to be involved in a new shop opening up in N.J. It's called Greensleeves and has it's opening at the end of this month in Flemington. They have chosen a handful of local NJ artists to display their work in this shop, each one having their own area to display their work not mixed together. I'll be writing a full post on this shop once I go and visit in July. I'm excited to be a part of this organization as they are a charity that help local adults with special needs.
- I was accepted into a Jersey City show in September
- I was accepted by Renegade to be a part of their Brooklyn show in September...can't tell you how excited and privileged I feel to be a part of that, it's a tough show to get in to with a lot of amazing new artists....if you are not familiar check out this post from my visit last year
- Was interview by Spanish Glamour (Spain based magazine) on what it's like to be a 'Norland Nanny'. The article is supposed to be out in the June or July issue. I have a friend in Seville picking up a copy.
- I got half way through re-organizing my studio, wrapping fabrics around those comic back boards...it looks great so far but that was about a month ago when I started and I just haven't had time to finish it yet.
I have more fabric than I can make bibs with - possibly 30-40 new fabrics that are just lying there waiting to be made in to bibs....it's very frustrating but hopefully I will have some time in the summer to get to them.
- Totally not connected to T.T. but my pool team won a local 9
ball tournament that qualifies us to play in the National tournament in
Las Vegas in August, flight and accommodation paid for YAY!!! Another amazing achievement.
I'm sure there's more but there are orders that need to be completed and out today so I gotta dash....I'll be back soon with new posts.