Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Easy Sewing Project - Fabric Matryoshka Doll Keychain

This cute Matryoshka doll key chain is so easy to will only take you a few minutes.

First of all you'll need the Matryoahka doll fabric.
If you are looking for a place to buy there are many different shops on Etsy that supply similar fabric just make sure the dolls are big enough.  My doll measured 3.5" by 1.75"'s a link

If you don't have this you can easily use plain fabric and draw your features on.

Here's what you will need

Fabric, stuffing, ribbon (I prefer grosgrain), a split ring and a sewing machine.

Cut 2 pieces of fabric and place them wrong sides together

I stick a couple of pins in mine to hold it while I stictch

Once stitched around carefully clip the edges near to the stitching

Turn her the right side out and stuff her....making sure you fill everywhere till she is firm

Next thread the ribbon through the split ring.  I sew the 2 ribbon ends together for extra hold

Push ribbon into the doll and turn the edges of fabric under so you have a neat edge

Sew back and forth with the machine to secure ends and attach ribbon to doll

And you'll end up with one charming key chain.  I'm going to have a go with other shapes too. 

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